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Rec Room

Watch Out!

As I don't play Rec Room much anymore, this page is no longer recieving updates! Information is likely to be outdated.

Who are you & what do you do?

Hey there! I'm dukedotdev, but most people call me Duke. I started RR back in 2020 and have played on-and-off for the last four years. I generally play in private instances and do circuits, but you may see me out and about in a public ^RecRoyaleSquads instance. I prefer screen mode but I like to hop on my modded Vive Cosmos Elite every now and then.

Are you a RR dev?

I'm not! Just because I have "dev" in my name doesn't mean I work for Rec Room. The reason that's there is because I develop games and websites! If you want to confirm someone is a RR dev, check their cheer badge. If it's the Rec Room logo, that means they're legit!

Why do you have so many subs?

Because people like what I do! None of them are botted and I never went around and begged for them, I just made what I wanted to and people who liked it followed. I think I get this question a lot because I don't own any popular rooms, and that's because I used to. To break down the sub count, around 700~ of my subs came from military maps I co-owned and circuiteered for [^Viper_MilitaryRR & ^Desert_Force_Military]. Around 200~ came from me moderating a popular room [^Survive0FZombies]. The rest just came from my inventions and people meeting me in rooms and thinking I'm cool.

Why do you have me blocked?

Likely because you made me unconfortable! I rarely unblock people and will likely never unblock you, so get over it. I've learned to block early and block often, as it's a great way to protect yourself online.

Someone claiming to be you on an alt wants co in my map! How do I know it's you?

As a general rule of thumb, I don't tend to reach out to do Cv2 for people. You can tell if it's me though by checking the account name [the name following the @ symbol]! I only have four public accounts and operate one. I also say "public" accounts as I have some alts I use, but will never [willingly] link back to me. Sometimes I like to be other people and you don't need to know who they are :]. The one I actually use is @dukedotdev. I also own @Bugcrowd_dukedotdev, @Bugcrowd_dukedotdev2, and @.Duke, but I don't play on them. If someone claiming to be me doesn't have one of those account names, they're lying!

Why won't you accept my friend request?

I typically don't add people as I like to keep my friends list short on RR. This isn't because you've done anything wrong or that I don't like you, I just tend to keep it to my close friends. Keep sending those requests though! I go through my requests monthly and I add those who look interesting. If your pfp or name is eye-catching and you have a decent portfolio, I might add you! [Plus, it makes getting my actual number of friends a pain, which they find funny :P]

How do I contact you?

If you want to contact me for something Rec Room related, please email with your RR account name and what you needed me for.

I want to work on a map with you!

Depends on what that map is.

I have a military map, can you-

No, I don't want to be associated with the clan side of RR anymore. No, your sub count / token count / seller swag / whatever else you have to offer me won't change that. Please leave me alone or you will be blocked.

I have a cashgrab, want co?

No, I'd rather not have my portfolio tarnished with whatever costume map you've thrown together. No, your sub count / token count / seller swag / whatever else you have to offer me won't change that. Please leave me alone or you will be blocked.

I have a [literally anything else]!

Maybe! Send in an email to with your RR account name, idea / map, and I'll take a look at your portfolio to see if I want to work with you.